The Institute delivers this course through the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).

  • Purpose

    Many improvement opportunities in an organisation are smaller scale exercises where teams can quickly deliver small step improvement bringing process performance closer to the intended strategy for the organisation.

    The workshop on Rapid Improvement Methods helps teams or individuals learn how to conduct such improvement projects in a shorter time frame. These projects are often:

    • Simpler to plan since the problem and scope is less complex,
    • Are more likely to use Lean analysis techniques,
    • Use solutions that are more obvious, logical, intuitive and visual.
    • Shorter in duration – between a week or so to about 90 days.

    It may be that a large performance improvement can be gained from dealing with ‘low hanging fruit!

  • Who Should Attend

    • Teams who are chartered to complete a smaller scale improvement project and who can use the workshop to make a start on their work.
    • Individuals who have responsibility to lead and facilitate a small scale improvement project.
    • The completion of the Foundations program is a key prerequisite to this workshop.

  • Duration & Outline

    The workshop is conducted over two days but can be tailored to suit the requirements. The material is in module form that follows the DMAIC journey. The modules help participants understand the idea of KAIZEN and how to recognise where Rapid Methods apply. Participants are involved in very practical activities where they learn how to use simpler planning, analysis and solution development techniques. They make use of the A3 and PDSA method for planning, Waste and Value Stream Analysis and 5S solution ideas. They learn how to conduct a KAIZEN Blitz event or improvement workshop. An understanding of Variation and relevant tools are also developed. Apart from practice activities on tools participants also work on a simulation exercise to complete a simple project.

  • Course Objectives

    • Understand how to apply Rapid Approaches within the Model for Improvement framework
    • Develop understanding of how team members work together in a KAIZEN or event based approach to improvement.
    • Develop planning and analysis skills to facilitate a small scope, simpler project of 90 days or less
    • Understand Lean Solution approaches suitable for smaller scope projects

  • Pricing

    For pricing see Course Fees.

    For tailoring a program that suits your needs, please contact us.

  • Brochure

    To download a brochure of the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course please click here.


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